National Codes: CUADES301 CUAPAI411
National Codes: CUAPPR312 CUAPPR411
National Codes: CUARES403
National Codes: CUASCU411 CUAWHS312
National Codes: CUAPPR414 CUAILL401
National Codes: CUAPPR411 CUAPPR312
National Codes: CUADES301 CUAPHI412

Drawing contains the following unit of competence;

CUAACD311 - Produce drawings to communicate ideas

This course in Design will introduce you to the principles and elements of design, design thinking and encourage you to develop both two and three dimensional design skills through a series of class-led activities and your own project responses.


BSBDES302 - Explore and apply the creative design process to 2D forms

BSBDES303 - Explore and apply the creative design process to 3D forms

National Codes: CUAJWL401 CUAWHS312
National Codes: CUACER411 CUAWHS312
National Codes: CUADES301 CUAPRI411
National Codes: CUAPPR415 CUAACD314